At Total Healing And Wellness, we offer premier Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Physical Medicine services. Our highly trained doctors and staff take a holistic approach to our practices and provide a range of services to relieve pain, restore balance, and enhance overall well-being. We take the time to understand the root of your problem to provide the best and most effective treatment.
Chiropractic Care

Our Chiropractors here at Total Healing & Wellness are neuromusculoskeletal specialists, where they address the root cause of patient’s pain and create an individualized treatment plan to improve patient’s quality of life. Our physicians take a modern approach to Chiropractic care, meaning that they integrate diagnostically driven tools such as x-rays, MRIs, and/or ultrasounds, and utilize spine manipulation and physiotherapy tools to provide relief. Our doctors and staff pride themselves on always listening and communicating effectively with our patients to ensure confidence and provide a comfortable experience.
Acupuncture Care

Our Acupuncturists here at Total Healing & Wellness are lead experts on Eastern Medicine. Through years of training and treating their respective communities, our doctors use their experience to their advantage by being able to cover areas such as digestive disorders, pain management, mental health, and more. It is common for new patients to have a natural fear of medical grade Acupuncture needles. However, our doctors always communicate with our patients on how to alleviate the fear and take a step by step approach on inserting the Acupuncture needles. We also assure our patients that our medical grade Acupuncture needles are a single-use needle that are sterile and non-toxic.
Cupping Therapy

This alternative method of therapy utilizes therapeutic cups and apply adequate amount of negative pressure on an injured body region. By creating this negative pressure, it helps remove any stagnant blood and allow recovery to take place.
Rehabilitative Exercise/Training

Total Healing & Wellness strongly believes that active care is an essential part of preventative medicine. When an injury takes place, whether it is traumatic or non-traumatic, the biomechanical function of our body decreases, mainly due to pain and inflammation. To ensure proper recovery, our doctors and staff takes a step-by-step approach to increase range of motion and then help restore strength, flexibility, and endurance. This will allow patients to feel more confident in their own body and know what it takes to rehabilitate the body the proper way.
Myofascial Release Technique / Active Release Technique

Total Healing & Wellness believes in this key component when it comes to helping with soft-tissue injuries. Our body is resilient in a way where it will compensate for any injuries that may initially take place. However, our body can only endure so much stress until discomfort or inflammation sets in. This form of physiotherapy is unique to our physicians and staff, where they are trained to address where the pain source is, and how to decrease soft-tissue tension. In doing so, the benefit of this therapy is to reduce soreness, improve soft-tissue recovery andincrease blood flow.
Medical Massage Therapy

Total Healing & Wellness is always finding ways to create a facility with different healing practices. Massage therapists and their hands-on approach to healing have always made a positive impact in the health & wellness community. To combine both massage therapy with our other medical services at Total Healing & Wellness, it allows a different kind of healing experience. Techniques such as deep-tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, passive stretching techniques, and various movement therapies are available to patients to help improve patients quality of life.

There are many other forms of IATSM (Instrument-Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization), including FAKTR, Gua Sha, and Graston. The common goal for this therapy is to help restore proper function, improve mobility, reduce inflammation and speed-up recovery time. This allows our doctors and staff to find improvement and create a better prognosis for our patients.

Our physicians and therapists would use kinesotape to aid in the elimination of pain and to also help increase both blood flow and lymph drainage. When swelling is addressed in an injured body region, the primary function of kinesotape is to lift the fascia off of the injured site, so the swelling/inflammation may decrease. This allows patients movement and function to also improve.
Stretch Therapy

When an injury sets in, biomechanical function begins to diminish, andpatients may begin to feel immobile. As our doctors and therapists assess this matter, it is our duty to effectively communicate with our patients on what their limits are. In doing so, we apply a gentle yet effective technique to be able to achieve increased ranges of motion, function, and decrease pain.